Each person came into our life for a reason. Some to gave us lessons to learn from, some came to help us in the middle of our trouble, and some caused us trouble and back stabbed us  to make us appreciate the others who were true. For any reason they came, although for just a short time, they actually had helped us in building up our personality without we even realizing it. It depends on how we face and respond to any kind of situation.
There is always silver lining in black clouds.
Thank God 
and thank them. 

For making us who we are today..

~✿ Andai aku adalah tulang rusukmu yang telah hilang, Aku berharap

jika nanti Allah mempertemukan kita, Kau akan selalu 
membimbingku, Agar aku menjadi wanita yang solehah, Yang 

nantinya akan menjadi bidadarimu di Syurga, Kerana aku ingin kita 

akan disatukan di dunia dan akhirat.✿~

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