This is going to be my last semester of study..to me, it doesn't feel like just a blink of eyes.   i faced a lot of difficulties and hardship during my whole years of study. I still remember the early years of being in Kuantan campus without my own transportation is like suffered. Sometimes I had to walk to Kuliyyah in hot weather or on windy day that makes it even harder cause my umbrella would tend to fly out of my hand. While most of my friends or other students would just drive past by without even bother to offer a lift. Ohh that was so 'thoughtful'. Or i admit i am not one of the lucky star who will have everything fall right into places and with the luck everyday upon me. Some would say campus life is the most fascinating but i don't. To me it's like being in a world with a lot of pretenders and impostors. Same goes to me then. I learnt that by being me, or my serious and quiet self, or sometimes kind of innocent would give me no good. In this new world, u'll have to learn to please everyone in order to have their favors. Anyhow, i don't choose to live with that rule. It's either u care to befriended me or you choose to walkaway. That's the only matters because once u are part of me, i'll make u feel right. I still remember the very few days i already got a letter from a student regarding my attire. She complaint the way i dressed up even though i didn't expose any part of my aurah that time...and in the end she being complaint by others. Well, that's life. If you mess with people, you will get served right back. It's just the matter of time.

Some said, true friends "stab u in front".. To me that's a whole lie. If people really live with that perception and rule means that explains the problem it's hard to get someone really true nowadays. Why did i  say so? True friends wont stab! I have few true friends which i value them high ..we don't stab each other even front or back and that feels right. Let us think logically or by experiences.. i have few friends who back stabbed me and few who stabbed me front. Both hurt! In the end i  just couldn't call them 'best friends'. 

That's it.. i just wanna shout out..my cAMPUS LIFE IS DAMN BORINGGGGG and i cant wait to get out of it..!
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