

Friends are people who love each other,
forgive and forget one way or another.
Care no matter what,
not an ‘if’, ‘and’ or ‘but’.
Do things without thinking,
that hurt people without blinking.
It becomes to late to forgive and forget,
and loose the feeling of when they first met.
When they think the friendship is done,
the fighting is over and what starts is the fun.
But sometimes thats not always the case,
the person that got hurt never wants to see the others face.
And so the friendship comes to an end,
except for occasional glances they rarely send.
Phone numbers get deleted and fights occasionally occur,
Memories fade and become a blur.
Untill not a single word is said,
the hating goes on even after there dead.
So the story ends with a sad goodbye,
and both of them think back and ask themselves ‘why?’.
They see eachother in heaven and begin to smile,
then they remember why they were mad all that while.
God is watching and has wanted the same,
for such a long time he’s tired of this game.
God has talked to them but it didn’t do anything,
and since they got there the angels would not sing.
They keep there distance and including this,
there old friendship they will always miss.
They keep on hating and it’s still unending,
what they dont realize is that friendship is a blessing.
The message of this is to never hate,
the friends that you have are your fate.

By: Kayla Adams

 This poem is awesome! Well....the friends that i have are my fate! wow dis really hits the spot.. this is true and yes indeed this is the way to express what i'm feeling now …:)
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